Louise Rose:
Qualifications & experience in agricultural science, climate change impacts & adaptation, water resources management and environmental science. Currently a rural property owner, small scale producer, Director of Altitude 850 (natural resources and river basin management, sustainable agriculture). Can be contacted on 0418 626 570 or louiserose55@gmail.com
Django Van Tholen:
Qualifications & experience in environmental science, freshwater biology and integrated agri-aquaculture. Experience in environmental and aquatic science consulting, while developing and sharing a multigenerational rural property following principles of sustainable farm management. The on-farm systems include integrated aquaculture/ aquaponics, worms farms, food forest/ mixed fruit and nut tree orchard and vegetables, and small commercial cash crops and a market garden being established. Can be contacted on on 0422 358 749 or d.vantholen@gmail.com
James Cook:
Qualifications in Geography, Conservation and Land Management, Horticulture and Permaculture Design. Experience in farm work, rural contracting, underwood work, garden design and construction, bushland rehabilitation, weed/erosion control, revegetation and consultancy. 15 years of natural resource management. Coastal weeds officer for Landcare. Kitchen garden coordinator at Mumbulla school for Steiner education. Can be contacted on 0404 348 803 or brighterdaylandscapes@gmail.com
Carolyn Wells (Project Manager):
Qualifications and experience in educational research and measurement, program evaluation, audit & investigation, urban & rural planning. Currently Vice President & Public Officer of SCPA-South East Producers and Editor of SCPA News. Can be contacted on 0417 430 750 or wells.carolyn@gmail.com
Mary Harrison:
Qualifications in Conservation and Land Management, Bush Regeneration, and Permaculture Design. Experience in native plant nursery work and the Australian Plant Society. Can be contacted on 0421 423 200 or maharr03@gmail.com